Crossandra an evergreen subshrub grows 1 m tall erect with glossy, wavy-margined leaves and fan-shaped flowers that bloom at any time of the year. With 3 to 5 asymmetrical petals, the flowers are uniquely formed. They have a tube-like 2 cm stem and grow from four-sided stalked spikes.
Care tips
Daily watering, keep the soil moist
Fertilize every month with balanced fertilizers
Well-drained humus-rich soil to be used.
De-head the dried flowers to enhance further growth
Requires full bright sunlight.
- Store in a pouch
- One of the most popular varieties for folk medicine is this plant. Fever, headache, aperitif, pain, and wound healing are among the conditions that flower extract is used for.
- Decorative purposes: Bouquets, Cottage Garden, Ground Cover, Hanging Basket, Landscape Designing, and Showy Purposes
- Container, Cutflower, Hedges, and Tropical Garden Design
Botanical Name: Crossandra infundibuliformis
Plant Type: Flowering Plant
- Outdoor Plant
- Attractive Flowers