Open ONLY for Bulk orders, Corporate Gifting and Home-Landscaping. Currently serving Mumbai & Pune region only.

About Us

Urban Econook is not just a Plant Nursery. Yes, indeed we have nearly 500 species of indoor and outdoor plants. We do boast of a large space, which has been tastefully designed to keep it as natural as possible while retaining every possible scientific and technical aspect, in naming the plants and organizing them into appropriate sections.

We may mention that we have built a large poly-house to ensure plants are protected from weather extremes. It is als true that we have a team of horticulture experts and experienced gardeners to tend to our huge variety of indoor and outdoor plants.
But we are not just a Plant Nursery.We don't just stick to selling plants.

We aim at -

  • Post-sale services that include on-call advice and gardener home-visits - becoming a well-trained Plant Parent was never easier!
  • Green decor suggestions for indoor spaces and balconies
  • Offering ecologically sound landscaping solutions for farms and home gardens
  • Hands-on training sessions for kids and adults on basic horticultural and gardening techniques
  • Making plants a part of basic education by offering practical sessions of art, literature, science and G.K.
  • Ensuring that large-scale corporate and personal gifting are as green as possible
  • Bringing our services to your doorstep with our unique Nursery-on-wheels

M/s TerraNero Projects Pvt. Ltd., an environmental consultancy firm with specialization in Ecology-Biodiversity, Waste Management and Water Treatment is the parent company of Urban Econook. The ethos of sustainable living is, therefore, the fabric of UEN.

At UEN, we wish to bring the message of understanding and respecting nature to every household.